Advances In Structural Engıneerıng An International Journal
Apllied Mathematical Modelling
ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering
Engineering Structures
International Journal of Civil Engineering
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
Scientific Research and Essays
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Journal of Engineering and Technology Research
Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamic
A12. Doğangün, A., Livaoğlu, R., “Hydrodynamic Pressures Acting on The Walls of Rectangular Fluid Containers” Structural Engineering and Mechanics: An International Journal, 17:2, 203-214, (2004).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-15: Soroushnia S, Tafreshib Sh. T, Omidinasab F, Beheshtiand N, Soroushniae S, (2011), Seismic Performance of RC Elevated Water Tanks with Frame Staging and Exhibition Damage Pattern, Procedia Engineering, 3076-3087
Atıf yapan-14: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, (2011), Effect of earthquake characteristics on seismic performance of RC elevated water tanks considering fluid level within the vessels, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 36: 2, 227-243.
Atıf yapan-13: Livaoğlu R, Çakır T, Doğangün A, Aytekin M, (2011), A Nonlinear Finite Element-Based Investigation of the Effects of Backfill and its Internal Friction Angle Variations on Seismic Behavior of Rectangular Drinking Water Storage Tanks, Ocean Engineering, 38: 10, 1161-1173.
Atıf yapan-12: Omidinasab F, Soroush Nia S, Shakib H, (2010), Evaluation of the seismic performance of reinforced concrete elevated water tanks using dynamic analysis, 14th ECEE, Ohrid.
Atıf yapan-11: Platek R, Sekula R, Lewandowski B, (2010), Fluid influence on dynamic characteristics of transformer-bushing system using fluid structure interaction (FSI) approach, IEEE Transactions On Dielectrics And Electrical Insulation, 17: 2, 408-416.
Atıf yapan-10: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, Ahmadi M.T, (2010), Seismic demand evaluation of elevated reinforced concrete water tanks, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 8: 3, 204-220.
Atıf yapan-9: Dutta SC, Dutta S, Roy R, (2009), Dynamic behavior of R/C elevated tanks with soil-structure interaction,Engineering Structures, 31: 11, 2617-2629.
Atıf yapan-8: Shrimali MK, Jangid RS, (2009), Sliding System for isolation of liquid storage tanks, Advances in Vibration Engineering, 8: 1, 7-16.
Atıf yapan-7: Shrimali MK, (2008), Earthquake Response of Elevated Liquid Storage Tanks Isolated by FPS Under Bi-Direction Excitation, Advances In Vibration Engineering, 7: 4, 389-405.
Atıf yapan-6: Sezen H, Livaoğlu R, Doğangün A, (2008), Dynamic analysis and seismic performance evaluation of above-ground liquid-containing tanks, Engineering Structures, 30: 794-803
Atıf yapan-5: Livaoğlu R, (2008), Investigation of Seismic Behavior of Fluid- Rectangular Tank- Soil/Foundation Systems in Frequency Domain, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28:2, 132-146
Atıf yapan-4: Dongming L, (2008), Numerical modeling of three-dimensional water waves and their interaction with structures, PhD Thesis, National University of Singapore.
Atıf yapan-3: Livaoğlu R, Doğangün A, (2007), Effects of foundation embedment on seismic behavior of the elevated tanks considering fluid-structure-soil interaction, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27: 855-863.
Atıf yapan-2: Livaoğlu R, Doğangün A, (2007), Seismic behavior of cylindrical elevated tanks with a frame supporting system on various subsoil, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences (IJEMS)., 14: 133-145.
Atıf yapan-1: Livaoğlu R, Doğangün A, (2006), simplified seismic analysis procedures for elevated tanks considering fluid-structure-soil interaction” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 22: 3, 421-439.
A11. Livaoğlu, R., Doğangün, A., “Seismic evaluation of fluid-elevated tank-foundation/soil systems in frequency domain” Structural Engineering and Mechanics An International Journal, 21:1, 101-119, (2005).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-11: Soroushnia S, Tafreshib Sh. T, Omidinasab F, Beheshtiand N, Soroushniae S, (2011), Seismic Performance of RC Elevated Water Tanks with Frame Staging and Exhibition Damage Pattern, Procedia Engineering, 3076-3087
Atıf yapan-10: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, (2011), Effect of earthquake characteristics on seismic performance of RC elevated water tanks considering fluid level within the vessels, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 36: 2, 227-243, DOI: 10.1007/s13369-010-0029-1
Atıf yapan-9: Omidinasab F, Soroush Nia S, Shakib H, (2010), Evaluation of the seismic performance of reinforced concrete elevated water tanks using dynamic analysis, 14th ECEE, Ohrid.
Atıf yapan-8: Cancellara D, De Majo A, Ferrara A, (2010), Valutazione della risposta sismica di un serbatoio pensile in C.A: un caso reale, Ingegneri Napoli, novembre-dicembre, numero:4, ISSN 2038-4742
Atıf yapan-7: Płatek R, Sekuła R, Lewandowski B, (2010), Fluid influence on dynamic characteristics of transformer-bushing system using fluid structure interaction (FSI) approach, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 17 (2), art. no. 5448095, 408-416.
Atıf yapan-6: Dutta SC, Dutta S, Roy R. (2009), Dynamic behavior of R/C elevated tanks with soil-structure interaction,Engineering Structures, 31: 11, 2617-2629.
Atıf yapan-5: Shrimali MK, (2008), Earthquake response of elevated liquid storage tanks isolated by FPS under bi-direction excitation, Advances in Vibration Engineering, 7: 4, 389-405
Atıf yapan-4: Livaoğlu R, (2008), Investigation of seismic behavior of fluid- rectangular tank- soil/foundation systems in frequency domain, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28: 2, 132-146.
Atıf yapan-3: Omidinasab F, Shakip H, (2008), Seismic Vulnerability of Elevated Water Tanks Using Performance Based-Design, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE), Beijing, China, October 12-17, 2008, Paper ID: 06-0038.
Atıf yapan-2: Livaoğlu R, Doğangün A, (2007), Effects of Foundation Embedment on Seismic Behavior of the Elevated Tanks Considering Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27: 855-863.
Atıf yapan-1: Livaoğlu R, Doğangün A, (2007) Seismic behavior of cylindrical elevated tanks with a frame supporting system on various subsoil, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences (IJEMS), 14: 133-145.
A10. Doğangün A, Tuluk Ö İ, Livaoğlu R, Acar R, (2006), Traditional wooden buildings and their damages during earthquakes in Turkey. Engineering Failure Analysis, vol: 13, 6, 981-996.
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-10: Chiou CE, Wang HJ, (2011), Damage to Chinese courtyard houses during the september 21, 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 15: 5, 711—723
Atıf yapan-9: Kouris LAS, Kappos AJ, (2011), Detailed and simplified non-linear models for timber-framed masonry structures, Journal of Cultural Heritage, doi:10.1016/j.culher. 2011.05.009
Atıf yapan-8: Öztank N, (2010), An Investigation of traditional Turkish wooden houses, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering,9 :2, 267-274.
Atıf yapan-7: Dikmen N, Langenbach R, (2010), An investigation on traditional timber-framed buildings in Çankırı province of Turkey, Trakya Univ J Sci, 11: 1, 15-27.
Atıf yapan-6: Korkmaz, HH, Korkmaz SZ, Donduren MS, (2010), Earthquake hazard and damage on traditional rural structures in Turkey, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 10: 605–622.
Atıf yapan-5: Demirkır C, Çolakoğlu G, Çolak S, Aydın İ, (2010), Ahşap iskeletli yapıların deprem performansı, III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi, 20-22 Mayıs 2010, V, 1722-1731.
Atıf yapan-4: DM Huang, LM Li, HP Zhang, L Shi, CM Xu, Li Y, Yang H, (2009), Recent progresses in research of fire protection on historic buildings, Journal of Applied Fire Science 19: 1, 63-81
Atıf yapan-3: Şengezer, B., Ansal, A., Bilen, Ö. (2008), Evaluation of parameters affecting earthquake damage by decision tree techniques, Natural Hazards, 47: 3, 547-568.
Atıf yapan-2: Tanac M, Karaman OY, (2008), Wooden load bearing structural elements of kula traditional houses, case study of Zabunlar and Göldeliler houses, Internatıonal Conference on Wood Science for Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Mechanical and Biological Factors, Braga, Portugal.
Atıf yapan-1: Oztank N, (2008), Traditional timber Turkish houses and structural details, Engineered w-Wood Products Association, http://www.ewpa.com/Archive/2008/june/ Paper_192. pdf, 2008.
A9. Doğangün, A., Livaoğlu, R., “A comparative study of the design spectra defined by Eurocode 8, UBC, IBC and Turkish Earthquake Code on R/C sample buildings Journal of Seismology, 10:3 335-351, (2006).
Atıf yapan-10: Nahhas TM, (2011), A comparison of IBC with 1997 UBC for modal response spectrum analysis in standard-occupancy buildings, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 10: 1, 99-113.
Atıf yapan-9 Kvasnička P, Matešić L, Ivandić K, (2011), Geotechnical site classification and Croatian National Annex for Eurocode 8, The journal Geofizika.
Atıf yapan-8: Laouami N, Chebihi A, (2010), Seismic analysis comparative study by using Eurocode 8 and RPA99, 14 WCEE, Ohrid.
Atıf yapan-7: Mitoulis SA, Tegos IA, Stylianidis KC, (2010), Cost-effectiveness related to the earthquake resisting system of multi-span bridges, Engineering Structures, 32: 2658-2671.
Atıf yapan-6: Tegou SD, Mitoulis SA, Tegos IA, (2010), An unconventional earthquake resistant abutment with transversely directed R/C walls, Engineering Structures, 32, 11, 3801-3816.
Atıf yapan-5: Trifunac MD, (2010), Izbalansirani projektni spektar – razmatranja za centralni Balkan, Izgradnja, 64: 5-6, 241-262.
Atıf yapan-4: Badaoui M, Berrah MK, Mebarki A (2010), Depth to bedrock randomness effect on design spectra in the city of Algiers (Algeria), Engineering Structures, 32: 2, 590-599
Atıf yapan-3: Mitoulis SA, Tegos IA, (2010), An unconventional restraining system for limiting the Seismic movements of isolated bridges, Engineering Structures, 32: 4, 1100-111.,
Atıf yapan-2: Mitoulis SA, Tegos IA, (2010), Connection of Bridges with Neighborhooding Tunnels, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 14: 3,331-350.
Atıf yapan-1: Mitoulis SA, Tegos ΙΑ, (2008), Connection of balanced cantilever bridges with neighbor-hooding tunnels,. In Proc., Fifth European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures (5EWICS), Catania, Italy.
A8. Livaoğlu, R., Doğangün, A., Simplified Seismic Analysis Procedures for Elevated Tanks Considering Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction” Journal of Fluids and Structures,22:3, 421-439, (2006).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-20: Omidinasab F, Shakib H, (2012), Seismic response evaluation of the RC elevated water tank with fluid-structure interaction and earthquake ensemble, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 16: 3, 366-376.
Atıf yapan-19: Soroushnia S, Tafreshib Sh. T, Omidinasab F, Beheshtiand N, Soroushniae S, (2011), Seismic Performance of RC Elevated Water Tanks with Frame Staging and Exhibition Damage Pattern, Procedia Engineering, 3076-3087
Atıf yapan-18: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, (2011), Effect of earthquake characteristics on seismic performance of RC elevated water tanks considering fluid level within the vessels, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 36: 2, 227-243.
Atıf yapan-17: Algreane GAI, Osman SA, Karim OA, Kasa A, (2011), Behavior of Elevated Concrete Water Tank Subjected to Artificial Ground Motion, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 16: 387-406.
Atıf yapan-16: Algreane GAI, Osman SA, Karim OA. Kasa A, (2011), Study the fluid structure interaction due to dynamic response of elevated concrete, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5: 9, 1084-1087.
Atıf yapan-15: Omidinasab F, Soroush Nia S, Shakib H, (2010), Evaluation of the seismic performance of reinforced concrete elevated water tanks using dynamic analysis, 14th ECEE, Ohrid.
Atıf yapan-14: Cancellara D, De Majo A, Ferrara A, (2010), Valutazione della risposta sismica di un serbatoio pensile in C.A: un caso reale, Ingegneri Napoli, novembre-dicembre, numero:4, ISSN 2038-4742.
Atıf yapan-13: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, Ahmadi M.T, (2010), Seismic Demand Evaluation of Elevated Reinforced Concrete Water Tanks, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 8: 3, 204-220.
Atıf yapan-12: Gavrilyuk I, Hermann M, Trotsenkoc Yu, Timokha A, (2010), Eigenoscillations of three- and two-element flexible systems, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47: 14-15, 1857-1870
Atıf yapan-11: Azadi MRE, soltani AA, (2010), The effects of soil-foundation-structure interaction on the dynamic response of Delijan cement-storage silo under earthquake loading, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, No:53.
Atıf yapan-10: Curadelli O, Ambrosini D, Mirasso A, Amani M. (2010), Resonant frequencies in an elevated spherical container partially filled with water: FEM and measurement, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 26: 1, 148-159.
Atıf yapan-9: Emami Azadi MR, Soltani AA, (2010), The effects of soil-foundation-structure interaction on the dynamic response of delijan cement-storage silo under earthquake loading, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 15 G, pp. 1-18.
Atıf yapan-8: Gavrilyuk, I., Hermann, M., Trotsenko, Y., Timokha, A. Eigenoscillations of three- and two-element flexible systems, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47 (14-15), pp. 1857-1870
Atıf yapan-14: Algreane GAI, Osman SA, Karim OA, Kasa A, (2009), Dynamic behaviour of elevated concrete water tank with alternate impulsive mass configurations, Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology, 245-250.
Atıf yapan-7: Dutta SC, Dutta S, Roy R. (2009), Dynamic behavior of R/C elevated tanks with soil-structure interaction,Engineering Structures, 31: 11, 2617-2629.
Atıf yapan-6: Shekari MR, Khaji N, Ahmadi MT, (2009), A coupled BE-FE study for evaluation of seismically isolated cylindrical liquid storage tanks considering fluid-structure interaction, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 25: 3, 567-585.
Atıf yapan-5: Algreane GIA, Osman SA, Karim OA, Kasa A, (2009), Dynamic behaviour of elevated concrete water tank with alternate ımpulsive mass configurations, Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Engıneerıng Mechanics, Structures And Engineerıng Geology, Grecee 245-250. ISBN: 978-960-474-101-4.
Atıf yapan-4: Omidinasab F, Shakib H, (2008), Seismic vulnerability of elevated water tanks using performance based-design, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China Paper ID: 06-0038.
Atıf yapan-3: Sezen H, Livaoglu R, Dogangun A, (2008), Dynamic analysis and seismic performance evaluation of above-ground liquid-containing tanks, Engineering Structures, 30: 3, 794-803.
Atıf yapan-2: Livaoglu R, Dogangun A, (2007), Effect of foundation embedment on seismic behavior of elevated tanks considering fluid-structure-soil interaction, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27: 9, 855-863.
Atıf yapan-1: Livaoglu R, Dogangun A, (2007), Seismic behaviour of cylindrical elevated tanks with a frame supporting system on various, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 14: 2, 133-145.
A7. Doğangün, A., Sezen, H., Tuluk Ö İ, Livaoğlu, R., Acar, R., “Traditional Turkish Manumental Structures and Their Earthquake Damages” Journal of Architectural Heritage, 1:3, 251-271, (2007).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-4: Marazzi F, Tagliabue P, Maria Corbani F, (2011), Traditional vs innovative structural health monitoring of monumental structures: A case study, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 18: 4, 430-449.
Atıf yapan-3: Oliveira CS, Çaktı E, Stengel D, Branco M, (2011), Minaret behavior under earthquake loading: The case of historical Istanbul, Earthquake Engineering And Structural Dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.
Atıf yapan-2: Parzysz B, (2011), From one polygon to another: A distinctive feature of some Ottoman Minarets, Nexus Network Journal, 13: 2, 471-486, DOI: 10.1007/s00004-011-0076-2
Atıf yapan-1: Adanur S, Akköse M, Ateş Ş, Bayraktar A, (2010), Performance of Slender Buildings during the December 20 and 27, 2007 Bala (Ankara) Earthquakes in Turkey, 14 ECEE, Ohrid.
A6. Livaoğlu, R., Doğangün, A., “Seismic behavior of cylindirical elevated tanks with a frame supporting system on various subsoil”, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences (IJEMS)., 14, 133-145,. (2007).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-3: Soroushnia S, Tafreshib Sh. T, Omidinasab F, Beheshtiand N, Soroushniae S, (2011), Seismic Performance of RC Elevated Water Tanks with Frame Staging and Exhibition Damage Pattern, Procedia Engineering, 3076-3087
Atıf yapan-2: Algreane GAI, Osman SA, Karim OA, Kasa A, (2011), Behavior of elevated concrete water tank subjected to artificial ground motion, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 16: 387-406.
Atıf yapan-1: Dutta SC, Dutta S, Roy R. (2009), Dynamic behavior of R/C elevated tanks with soil-structure interaction,Engineering Structures, 31: 11, 2617-2629.
A5. Livaoğlu, R., Doğangün A., “Effects of Foundation Embedment on Seismic Behavior of the Elevated Tanks Considering Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27, 855-863, (2007).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-23: Omidinasab F, Shakib H, (2012), Seismic response evaluation of the RC elevated water tank with fluid-structure interaction and earthquake ensemble, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 16: 3, 366-376.
Atıf yapan-22: Soroushnia S, Tafreshib Sh. T, Omidinasab F, Beheshtiand N, Soroushniae S, (2011), Seismic Performance of RC Elevated Water Tanks with Frame Staging and Exhibition Damage Pattern, Procedia Engineering, 3076-3087
Atıf yapan-21: Kianoush MR, Ghaemmaghami AR, (2011), The effect of earthquake frequency content on the seismic behavior of concrete rectangular liquid tanks using the finite element method incorporating soil–structure interaction,Engineering Structures 33: 2186–2200.
Atıf yapan-20: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, (2011), Effect of earthquake characteristics on seismic performance of RC elevated water tanks considering fluid level within the vessels, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 36: 2, 227-243, DOI: 10.1007/s13369-010-0029-1
Atıf yapan-19: Algreane GAI, Osman SA, Karim OA,Kasa A, (2011), Behavior of elevated concrete water tank subjected to artificial ground motion, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 16: 387-406.
Atıf yapan-18: Algreane GAI, Osman SA, Karim OA. Kasa A, (2011), Study the fluid structure interaction due to dynamic response of elevated concrete, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5: 9, 1084-1087.
Atıf yapan-17: Livaoğlu R, Çakır T, Doğangün A, Aytekin M, (2011), A Nonlinear Finite Element-Based Investigation of the Effects of Backfill and its Internal Friction Angle Variations on Seismic Behavior of Rectangular Drinking Water Storage Tanks, Ocean Engineering, 38: 10, 1161-1173.
Atıf yapan-16: Omidinasab F, Soroush Nia S, Shakib H, (2010), Evaluation of the seismic performance of reinforced concrete elevated water tanks using dynamic analysis, 14th ECEE, Ohrid.
Atıf yapan-15: Thorhallsson E R,. Rikhardsson IS, Olafsson A.M, Olafsson H.S, (2010), Analysis of a squat concrete wall, difference in translation during seismic excitation due to foundation support, 9th US National/10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Atıf yapan-14: Vezzoni B, Lo Frano R, Forasassi G, (2010), 6 A preliminary evaluation of a generation IV liquid metal fast reactor due to sloshing and thermal stress, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP 5, 371-380.
Atıf yapan-13: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, Ahmadi M.T, (2010), Seismic demand evaluation of elevated reinforced concrete water tanks, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 8: 3, 204-220.
Atıf yapan-12: Azadi MRE, Soltani AA, (2010), The Effects of soil-foundation-structure interaction on the dynamic response of Delijan cement-storage silo under earthquake loading, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 15: 1-18.
Atıf yapan-11: Olafsson HS, (2010), Concrete walls founded on earthquake areas, MSc. Thesis in Civil Engineering. Reykjavik University.
Atıf yapan-10: Dutta SC, Ghatak D, (2010), P-Delta effect in seismic behavior of elevated water tanks incorporating foundation flexibility, Advances in Vibration Engineering, 9: 1, 85-104.
Atıf yapan-9: Rebouillat S, Liksonov D, (2010), Fluid-structure interaction in partially filled liquid containers: A comparative review of numerical approaches, Computers and Fluids, 39: 5, 739-746.
Atıf yapan-8: Curadelli O, Ambrosini D, Mirasso A, Amani M. (2010), Resonant frequencies in an elevated spherical container partially filled with water: FEM and measurement, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 26: 1, 148-159.
Atıf yapan-7: Dutta SC, Dutta S, Roy R. (2009), Dynamic behavior of R/C elevated tanks with soil-structure interaction,Engineering Structures, 31: 11, 2617-2629.
Atıf yapan-6: Shrimali MK, Jangid RS, (2009), Sliding System for isolation of liquid storage tanks, Advances in Vibration Engineering, 8: 1, 7-16.
Atıf yapan-5: Gavrilyuk I, Hermann M, Trotsenko V, Trotsenko Yu, Timokha A, (2009), Coupled dynamics of a tower with an elevated wave tank. Part 1: Equations of motion and eigenoscillations, Technical reports at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena).
Atıf yapan-4: Shrimali MK, (2008), Earthquake response of elevated liquid storage tanks isolated by FPS under bi-direction excitation, Advances in Vibration Engineering, 7: 4, 389-405.
Atıf yapan-3: Jaya V, Dodagoudar GR, Boominathan A, (2008), Seismic soil-structure interaction analysis of tall slender structure, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2: 4, 1938-6362.
Atıf yapan-2: Frano RL, Forasassi G, (2008), Dynamic buckling in a next generation metal coolant nuclear reactor, Journal of Achievements in Materials , 29: 2,163-166.
Atıf yapan-1: Jakimavičius T, Ambrasas G, (2007), Efektyvių polinių pamatų įrengimo modeliavimas, 10-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija, Sekcija STATYBA.
A4. Livaoğlu, R., “Investigation of Seismic Behavior of Fluid- Rectangular Tank- Soil/Foundation Systems in Frequency Domain” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28:2, 132-146, (2008).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-9: Curadelli O, (2011), Seismic reliability of spherical containers retrofitted by means of energy dissipation devices, Engineering Structures, 33: 9, 2662-2667.
Atıf yapan-8: R Livaoglu, T Cakir, A Dogangun (2011), Effects of backfill on seismic behavior of rectangular tanks, Ocean Engineering V.38:10, 1161-1173.
Atıf yapan-7: Kianoush MR, Ghaemmaghami AR, (2011), The effect of earthquake frequency content on the seismic behavior of concrete rectangular liquid tanks using the finite element method incorporating soil–structure interaction,Engineering Structures 33: 2186–2200.
Atıf yapan-6: Versluis, M (2010), Hydrodynamic pressures on large lock structures, MSc Thesis, Delf Univeersity.
Atıf yapan-5: Curadelli O, D Ambrosini, A Mirasso (2010), Resonant frequencies in an elevated spherical container partially filled with water: FEM and measurement, Journal of Fluids and Structures V.26:1, 148–159.
Atıf yapan-4: Azadi MRE, soltani AA, (2010), The effects of soil-foundation-structure interaction on the dynamic response of Delijan cement-storage silo under earthquake loading, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, No:53.
Atıf yapan-3: Ghaemmaghami AR, Kianoush MR, (2010), Effect of wall flexibility on dynamic response of concrete rectangular liquid storage tanks under horizontal and vertical ground motions, Journal of Structural Engineering,-ASCE, 136: 4, 441-451.
Atıf yapan-2: Di Nardo A, Langella G, Mele D, Noviello C, (2009), Sloshing phenomenon analysis in liquid fuels storage tanks subject to seismic event, International Journal of Heat and Technology, 27: 2, 39-48.
Atıf yapan-1: Gavrilyuk I, Hermann M, Trotsenko V, Trotsenko Yu, Timokha A, (2009), Coupled dynamics of a tower with an elevated wave tank. Part 1: Equations of motion and eigenoscillations, Technical reports at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena).
A3. Sezen, H., Livaoğlu, R., Doğangün, A., “Dynamic analysis and seismic performance evaluation of above-ground liquid-containing tanks” Engineering Structure, 30: 794-803 (2008).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Atıf yapan-12: Soroushnia S, Tafreshib Sh. T, Omidinasab F, Beheshtiand N, Soroushniae S, (2011), Seismic Performance of RC Elevated Water Tanks with Frame Staging and Exhibition Damage Pattern, Procedia Engineering, 3076-3087
Atıf yapan-11: Curadelli O, (2011), Seismic reliability of spherical containers retrofitted by means of energy dissipation devices, Engineering Structures, 33: 9, 2662-2667.
Atıf yapan-10: Korkmaz KA, Sari A, Carhoglu AI, (2011), Seismic risk assessment of storage tanks in Turkish industrial facilities, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24:4, 314-320.
Atıf yapan-9: Algreane GAI, Osman SA, Karim OA, Kasa A, (2011), behavior of elevated concrete water tank subjected to artificial ground motion, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 16: 387-406.
Atıf yapan-7: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, (2011), Effect of earthquake characteristics on seismic performance of RC elevated water tanks considering fluid level within the vessels, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 36: 2, 227-243, DOI: 10.1007/s13369-010-0029-1
Atıf yapan-6: Shakib H, Omidinasab F, Ahmadi M.T, (2010), Seismic demand evaluation of elevated reinforced concrete water tanks, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 8: 3, 204-220.
Atıf yapan-5: Curadelli O, Ambrosini D, Mirasso A, Amani M. (2010), Resonant frequencies in an elevated spherical container partially filled with water: FEM and measurement, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 26: 1, 148-159.
Atıf yapan-4: Di Nardo A, Langella G, Mele D, Noviello C, (2009), Sloshing phenomenon analysis in liquid fuels storage tanks subject to seismic event, International Journal of Heat and Technology, 27: 2, 39-48.
Atıf yapan-3: Zhou MF, Zhang YQ, (2009), Dynamic characteristic analysis of elastic fluid-filled tank considering liquid sloshing Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), 33: 5, 114-118+129.
Atıf yapan-2: Ahari MN, Eshghi S, Ashtiany MG, (2009), The tapered beam model for bottom plate uplift analysis of unanchored cylindrical steel storage tanks, Engineering Structures, 31: 3, 623–632.
Atıf yapan-1: Dogangun A, Karaca Z, Durmus A, Sezen H, (2009), Cause of damage and failures in silo structures,Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 23:2, 65-71
Atıf Yapılan Ulusal Yayınlar
Livaoğlu R., (2001), “Yapıların Deprem Hesabında Burulma Düzensizliğinin ve Hesap Yöntemlerinin Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi” Yüksek Lisans Tezi, KTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Adem DOĞANGÜN, “Betonarme Yapıların Hesap ve Tasarımı”, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 844 syf (4. baskı) 2008.
Aytaç MERTOL, H.Canan MERTOL., Deprem Mühendisliği”Depreme Dayanıklı Yapı Tasarımı” Kozan Ofset, ISBN:975-9789, 2002
E6 Doğangün, A., Livaoğlu, R., Yumuşak kat düzensizliğinin yapı davranışına etkileri, IV. Mühendislik Mimarlık Sempozyumu, 479-489, Balıkesir, 2002.
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Adem DOĞANGÜN, “Betonarme Yapıların Hesap ve Tasarımı”, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 844 syf (4. baskı) 2008.
D5 Livaoğlu, R., Doğangün, A., Yapıların deprem hesabında eşdeğer deprem yükü yönteminin kullanılması, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası Trabzon Şubesi Mühendislik Bülteni, 58, sayfa:14-24, (2001).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Adem DOĞANGÜN, “Betonarme Yapıların Hesap ve Tasarımı”, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 844 syf (4. baskı) 2008.
D3 Doğangün, A., Livaoğlu, R., Tuluk, Ö.İ., Acar, R., Üstün ve Zayıf Yönleriyle Ahşap Yapılar, Yapı Dünyası Dergisi, 105, 41-48, (2004).
Atıf Yapan/Referred by
Adem DOĞANGÜN, “Betonarme Yapıların Hesap ve Tasarımı”, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 844 syf (4. baskı) 2008.